Is It Vegan is a tool for anyone interested in eliminating animal products from their diet.
Simply scan the UPC bar code on the package of any food or beverage product, and you'll see:
Whether the product is vegan, vegetarian, or neither.
A summary classifying the list of ingredients.
A detail list showing which ingredients are vegan, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, etc.
And the original (unclassified) list of ingredients for the product.
After putting each ingredient into a category, Is It Vegan then decides whether the product is suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet.
Is It Vegan has information on hundreds of thousands of food and beverage products and verifies each of them using a master list containing thousands of pre-classified ingredients.
Users now have the option to upload products, making our database larger than ever!
Notice: Data on products outside the USA is extremely limited at this time. For best results, please scan food products from the USA.
Android version 2.3.3+ is required to use this app!
*Unfortunately we cannot control the ads that are being displayed, but 25% of the ad revenue will be donated to animal rights organizations*
Is It Vegan adalah alat bagi siapapun yang tertarik dalam menghilangkan produk hewani dari diet mereka.
Cukup memindai bar code UPC pada paket dari setiap produk makanan atau minuman, dan Anda akan melihat:
Apakah produk tersebut vegan, vegetarian, atau tidak.
Ringkasan mengelompokkan daftar bahan.
Sebuah daftar rinci menunjukkan sarananya adalah vegan, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, dll
Dan asli (unclassified) daftar bahan untuk produk.
Setelah menempatkan masing-masing bahan dalam kategori, Is It Vegan kemudian memutuskan apakah produk ini cocok untuk diet vegan atau vegetarian.
Apakah itu Vegan memiliki informasi tentang ratusan ribu produk makanan dan minuman dan memverifikasi masing-masing dengan menggunakan daftar induk yang berisi ribuan bahan pra-diklasifikasikan.
Pengguna sekarang memiliki pilihan untuk meng-upload produk, membuat database kami lebih besar dari sebelumnya!
Notice: Data produk di luar Amerika Serikat sangat terbatas saat ini. Untuk hasil terbaik, silakan memindai produk makanan dari Amerika Serikat.
Android versi 2.3.3 + diperlukan untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini!
* Sayangnya kita tidak bisa mengontrol iklan yang sedang ditampilkan, tetapi 25% dari pendapatan iklan akan disumbangkan kepada organisasi-organisasi hak-hak binatang *
Is It Vegan is a tool for anyone interested in eliminating animal products from their diet.
Simply scan the UPC bar code on the package of any food or beverage product, and you'll see:
Whether the product is vegan, vegetarian, or neither.
A summary classifying the list of ingredients.
A detail list showing which ingredients are vegan, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, etc.
And the original (unclassified) list of ingredients for the product.
After putting each ingredient into a category, Is It Vegan then decides whether the product is suitable for a vegan or vegetarian diet.
Is It Vegan has information on hundreds of thousands of food and beverage products and verifies each of them using a master list containing thousands of pre-classified ingredients.
Users now have the option to upload products, making our database larger than ever!
Notice: Data on products outside the USA is extremely limited at this time. For best results, please scan food products from the USA.
Android version 2.3.3+ is required to use this app!
*Unfortunately we cannot control the ads that are being displayed, but 25% of the ad revenue will be donated to animal rights organizations*